Most of us do not realize the power we each have to make an impact in the world.  We can all be heroes.  It is not necessary for us to run into burning buildings and save a life or other equally heroic acts, to impact those around us.  A seemingly, simple gesture, may make a big difference to someone else.  It doesn’t matter that we didn’t sign up for being responsible to each other in this way, we simple ARE responsible to one another, by being neighbors in this life.  The choice we have in these endeavors, is to choose exactly HOW we wish to effect one another. Good or bad.

Words are perhaps the most powerful thing we as humans have to wield.  Words can resonate in our souls, can live forever in our memories, and color our lives forever.  A well placed word holds the capacity to alter mood, thought, and life.  We can encourage another person, or break them, with one tiny word, or perhaps soothe an aching heart.  Too often we don’t think before we speak.

A smile, or saying hello to a stranger you pass, may make the day of someone lonely, or person troubled by personal problems.  We need not know one another personally for simple actions to matter to someone else. Though it is a simple thing to do, it is also very powerful.  A kind word or gesture, serves to lighten a heavy heart.  Looking someone in the eye acknowledges  a person as a vital human being with no word spoken.  Human touch reaches to the core of our beings.  We need not go out of our way for us to become simple, silent, heroes.

Unfortunately, whether we intend to harm someone or not, we also have the power to hurt others.  Callous words thrown in the heat of anger, singe spirits at deep levels.  Glaring looks chill hearts.  Hands lifted to strike another, bruise more than skin, for the unseen bruises on a psyche never heal.

We humans, hold power we never seem to realize we own.

Everything we do in life has an effect on those around us, good and bad, whatever our intentions.  So as we pass one another in this life, remember that the world is not as big as we may think.  Each of our actions effects each of us.  Seize the power.


The Power of One
6 January 2010, 3:38 pm
Source: The Ovum Office