Creative Burrow

Buried Bunny

1,750 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
What inspired you to create the character you use in your work? What made you decide to use the personality that your character has?


Andre Vienne

Furry Young Bunny

666 Posts
Karma: +2/-0
Ah, finally, one I can answer in good conscience without having to switch names or any mess like that.

Goran Njiric, the character of my current novel, is actually based pretty heavily off of Robert Beltran in appearance. Mentally, however, he is actually a lot like my grandfather, or so I would figure. I decided to use the personality because it reflects a man who has done many things, without having gone off to college or some similar institution. From there, I made him far more flamboyant than practical, because making a story of my grandfather would be silly, to say the least.

Still, that is the general place for inspiration for it.

Marlon Cortes out of a short story that I'm not going to post on BRS because it was commissioned by someone, and ultimately that decision rests with him until he decides he isn't going to do anything with it. Marlon is actually based a surprising amount on my friend rekenner, who posts here every now and then. By "surprising" I mean "having any parts in common with him at all."

I just pulled him from my expectations of what a coder should be.

Egeria, from the same story, is based a lot on a couple of my ex-girlfriends, a few other stories, and the like. The main thing with short story characters is that I don't think them anywhere near all the way through, and I see no reason to. They only really need their reactions within the story, and I'm fine with leaving them to that.


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Nameless (Creative Burrow) is a Administrator who has made 1750 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 12:15am Sun, Nov 2, 2008. Creative Burrow was invited by Bunny.

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