

426 Posts
Karma: +53/-0

I had two cats once, a male marmalade and a female calico. I was living in an old farm house out in the sticks and a mouse came in and started eating the cat food.

I'll be damned if the male didn't just sit there and watch him. The female came along, looked at the mouse, looked at the male and I swear sneered, then whupped the mouse against the wall like she was playing handball.

Wish I had that sign back then.



Fluffy Baby Bunny

197 Posts
Karma: +10/-1
Oh my stars I love this!

I live out in the country and I am so proud of my mouser! So proud. He keeps me living in a mouse-free zone. But I'm going to show my cat the picture of the shamed kitty to keep him on the straight and narrow! :)



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Did you guys see the rest of them from the link at the top? LOL




426 Posts
Karma: +53/-0
Did you guys see the rest of them from the link at the top? LOL

I liked the comments section too - the one guy who was ranting about how this was cruel and unusual treatment and how if the people taught their animals better they wouldn't do things like this. Poppycock!  8-)

Now I'll have to try to get a picture of my room-mate's Peke humping the stuffed beagle, or her kitten drawing blood from my hand, and hang a sign!



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
54 Posts
Karma: +2/-0
Some funny pictures (and messages) posted there. Just a shame people start fighting in comments. It doesn't take long before people clash and start to make personal comments about people they don't even know, just because they have another opinion. I guess for that site, all buzz is welcome, so there's not much moderation.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
I rarely read comments. Maybe on Youtube because everyone's trying to be funny but not elsewhere ha ha. I don't think it's cruel per se, I mean the animals can't exactly read, and I am pretty sure it's just done for humour and not as an actual punishment.

I think it's kind of satiring the whole "kids wearing signs to shame them" thing.




426 Posts
Karma: +53/-0
I'd put signs on kids before I put them on creatures - at least the creatures are just being themselves; the kids are just rotten little punks.

Heck, we stick them behind bars, put experimental make-up on them, hunt and eat them - putting signs on them would be the least offensive thing we do.

... animals, I mean. Although there WAS this one old guy in my neighborhood ...  :O



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0
Here's another:

Who leaves their kindle out again after he chews up the first two, though? Come on, that's their fault...not his!




426 Posts
Karma: +53/-0
He looks like a well-bread dog ...



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
55 Posts
Karma: +3/-0

Doesn't this make you sad...


Victor Leigh

Fluffy Baby Bunny

156 Posts
Karma: +20/-2
Personally I think they are disgusting. They are perfect examples of blatant abuse of animals who cannot defend themselves. Imagine that someone puts on sign around your neck and takes a picture. You have no idea what the sign says because you cannot read. But the sign says "I am really stupid because I cannot read this."

See what I mean?



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0
I do see what you're saying Victor.

At the same time, they're never going to know. Their owners still love them. They're not going to do anything mean to them. They're just poking fun at the horrible things their pets do....instead of getting really upset about it.



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
26 Posts
Karma: +10/-0
A wise man once said, this is cruel and unusual punishment...but I find it utterly hilarious!



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
I completely get you Victor, but does it make a difference if the owner is doing it not as a punishment but as a sort of stirring (USA: joking EU: taking the piss) way? One where they still love their pets.

Animals are rather difficult because they don't always understand us but sometimes need diciplin, etc. This is def not the right way to tell your pet off though cause they can't even tell it's a punishment.



Furry Young Bunny

843 Posts
Karma: +9/-0
That "inbred" cat always makes me laugh when I see it. It is kind of cruel though, like Victor said. In most cases it's the owners fault the things they're berating their pets for happened at all!



Washed Heathen

191 Posts
Karma: +16/-0
Abuse of animals? Really?
Sorry, maybe it is me, and I do consider myself an animal lover and not really a cruel and heartless person but to put this in the class of abuse of animals, well, it seems a bit much. Either you don't know what animal abuse is, or someone wants so generate debate.
Gosh, do those dogs and cats look like they are in pain or suffering?
Sorry, I am not with you on this.



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
98 Posts
Karma: +8/-0
Haha the cat one is amazing. My old cat used to scream at spiders and run away from them.



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
93 Posts
Karma: +3/-0
Hahaha! That cat looks so ashamed!

Our pitbull does that. She lets chicken and rats eat her food. As a result, she ends up hungry and asking for more food. She's really sweet to other animals.


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Jade Elizabeth (Bunny) is a Poet who has made 6253 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 12:15am Sun, Nov 2, 2008. Bunny was invited by No one (creator of this site).

About Bunny
Jade Elizabeth is an eccentric young woman who enjoys writing stories and poems with hidden deeper meanings. She is quoted saying “Writing to me is not a hobby. It's a passion. It's something that lets my thoughts expose themselves, and my heart shine through where other art could not.

Commonly her poems are inspired by love or depression, and are dedicated to the people who encouraged the emotion. Given the chance she will readily pull her poems apart, exposing the deeper and hidden meanings behind her words.

Her stories are usually unspoken messages to those close to her – giving every story a hidden meaning. Some things are better left unsaid, or in her case, expressed indirectly through stories.

Jade used to write Documentation for Simple Machines in her free time, but has since begun studying and working, which takes up most of her free time now.

Writing Style
Romance, Fantasy, and Sad Stories and Poems.

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