
Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
When ever we have a new member join everyone assumes it's my fault and I think that's hysterical. Yes, a lot of members are here because of me but that doesn't mean everyone is!

In fact, here's a graph of how much fault I'm in....

  • Who's Fault It Is When A Member Joins

So NER!! It's mostly no ones fault!! :P




Community Team

228 Posts
Karma: +24/-0
It's still 20.8% your fault, so...

I jest.



Washed Heathen

191 Posts
Karma: +16/-0
It is so your fault. . . actually more the case, credit where credit is due.



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0
Well you DO run the site....

So even if you don't know the person directly and intentionally get them to sign up, you're likely doing some marketing that leads many of them here. And you're running a great site that encourages people to sign up, so....

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's your fault anyway. :P



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
LOL Touche Jessi! That means if I take 50% of the credit from elsewhere it looks like....

  • Who's Fault It Is If Bunny Takes 50% Credit Because She Made The Site

Darn ha ha. I did take credit in the original one for advertisements and social networks ha ha.


Victor Leigh

Fluffy Baby Bunny

156 Posts
Karma: +20/-2
The way I see it, it's 1000% your fault, Bunny. If it were not for you, all of us would be happily making a mess of other forums. As it is, by setting up this forum, you have trapped us into spending time here, talking about all kinds of things when we should be elsewhere, doing all kinds of things.

Yes, I hold you 1000% responsible.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
I'll change my name to "Venus", and my role on staff to "Fly Trap".

Hey then I can tell you guys to buzz off! XD


Victor Leigh

Fluffy Baby Bunny

156 Posts
Karma: +20/-2
I'll change my name to "Venus", and my role on staff to "Fly Trap".

Hey then I can tell you guys to buzz off! XD

That would just make it worse. A Venus Fly Trap is the plant world's version of a honeytrap. And as far as honeytraps are concerned, the more you tell them to buzz off, the more they will want to come around to find out what kind of honey is in the pot.



Fluffy Baby Bunny

134 Posts
Karma: +4/-1
I'll console you then: I wouldn't charge you guilty. The more, the merrier :)


More on the Author

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Membership Info
Jade Elizabeth (Bunny) is a Poet who has made 6253 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 12:15am Sun, Nov 2, 2008. Bunny was invited by No one (creator of this site).

About Bunny
Jade Elizabeth is an eccentric young woman who enjoys writing stories and poems with hidden deeper meanings. She is quoted saying “Writing to me is not a hobby. It's a passion. It's something that lets my thoughts expose themselves, and my heart shine through where other art could not.

Commonly her poems are inspired by love or depression, and are dedicated to the people who encouraged the emotion. Given the chance she will readily pull her poems apart, exposing the deeper and hidden meanings behind her words.

Her stories are usually unspoken messages to those close to her – giving every story a hidden meaning. Some things are better left unsaid, or in her case, expressed indirectly through stories.

Jade used to write Documentation for Simple Machines in her free time, but has since begun studying and working, which takes up most of her free time now.

Writing Style
Romance, Fantasy, and Sad Stories and Poems.

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