
Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Let's talk about dreams! The ones you have while sleeping I mean.

For example, last night I had a dream that the internet was "reality". I could send email by thinking about it, tweet while I slept, what ever! Websites were literal addresses, where you could walk around... The works!

There was no more "real world" or "online life" comparison, they were the same thing!

Your turn XD




Furrless Old Bunny

1,215 Posts
Karma: +1/-0
Okay the strangest dream I ever had was when my aunty was pregnant, and I dreamt that I had the baby <> It was very strange. It's okay though, she had the baby in the end ;) lol


Andre Vienne

Furry Young Bunny

666 Posts
Karma: +2/-0
I actually post all of mine up on an LJ. If I remember them, any of them, enough to piece something together, then I put it there.

It doesn't happen often, really. But it still happens.


Adrian Malacoda

Growing Baby Bunny

89 Posts
Karma: +10/-0
I once had a dream where I heard my brother saying "wake up." I woke up to him saying "wake up" in my ear. True story.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
I Posted one of mine here, WITH PICTURES!! :O




Newborn Baby Bunny

Regular Member
19 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
I had a dream last night where I was at some sort of theater, but nothing was going on. i was just sitting in the rows talking with my family. My aunt made this book to commenerate my grandmother who passed away years ago. I remember flipping through the pages, and they had my grandmas scent, and there were bueatiful drwaings and poems about her life inside. Then my grandma walks up and starts talking about how good of a job the book was. I remember even in the dream I was confused and troubled by her being there since she was supposed to be dead.


S.O. Price

Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
22 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
I had a very strange experience just last week.  I was sleeping and there was a sound I heard that kept repeating itself in a very rhythmic manner in my head and it was loud enough to wake me up.  The only rhythmic sound that I could think of was maybe my car alarm had gone off and I was hearing the steady beep, beep of my car alarm.  I actually got up and as I opened up the bedroom door, the noise lessened so this made me think the noise was not my car but I decided to check anyway.  I opened up the front door and listened for any noises outdoors, but there was none.  So the noise was not coming from my car.  When I went back to my bedroom, I did not hear the noise at all.

The words "auditory illusion" came to me and I told myself to look up that term the next day after I woke up.  I did and from my research it sounds like something like that does exist.  No, I wasn't on any drugs and I had not been drinking.  I'm still not sure if it was just a dream or what.  But I KNOW I heard the noise after I got up and before I had left the bedroom, so that rules out just a dream, right?  Very strange experience.



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
54 Posts
Karma: +2/-0
There are only a few dreams that I can really remember, at least the main story in it.

One was quite scary for me, and I think I got it after watching a few horror movies involving animals..

Somehow, I ended up in a new city with creepy people. They looked like human beings, but they behaved like different animals. I had an injury and had to look for help urgently. Every time I talked to people, they offered to help me in some way but eventually attacked me in an animal like way. I always got some extra damage to my body (a scratch, a bite, a flesh wound, skin gone, ...) after each attack, until I saw myself walking around like if some flesh eating fish ate away everything but my bones. Then there was an earth quake and I woke up bathing in my sweat.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Wow Kenny that's weird!!

S.O. Price I have dreams like that all the time when somehow something (a term or what ever) comes to mind when I wake and I have to look it up...they're kind of freaky and amazing at the same time! :D


S.O. Price

Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
22 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
Wow Kenny that's weird!!

S.O. Price I have dreams like that all the time when somehow something (a term or what ever) comes to mind when I wake and I have to look it up...they're kind of freaky and amazing at the same time! :D
  The freaky thing is is that I had never heard of the term "auditory illusion" before.  It just came to me while I was getting back into bed after checking out the noise I heard.  I still don't know if it was a real noise or not.  I can't think of anything around where I live that would give out such a rhythmic noise.  Plus, the noise seemed like it was deep in my head (kind of, it's hard to put into words).  Weird!



Fluffy Baby Bunny

197 Posts
Karma: +10/-1
I don't remember most of my dreams. I'm not lucky like you all! But when I do remember them, I'm always surprised how silly they are.

Like last night: I'm dreaming that I'm wearing a pretty strange outfit. And everyone I meet keeps commenting on it. So I keep telling all of them I've lost all my clothes!

In real life, I clearly had anxiety over the fact that I left my laundry at a friend's house in her machine! I'm so lame. What pedestrian dreams.



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
55 Posts
Karma: +3/-0
I don't remember most of my dreams. I'm not lucky like you all! But when I do remember them, I'm always surprised how silly they are.
LOL, I don't remember most of my dreams either. I just fall asleep and wake up the next morning, not remembering anything. If I had to pick one of my craziest dreams, I would have to pick my Christmas dream. I only had this dream because it was Christmas Eve and I was young. The dream was about opening my window and getting into Santa's sleigh where he would take me around the world. I got to see lots of houses and see the toy factory at the North Pole. He then took me home, and I woke up. The next morning, it was snowing and I was really happy that it was Christmas day.




426 Posts
Karma: +53/-0
I was once out strolling one very hot summer's day when I thought I'd lay myself down to rest in a big field of tall grass. I laid there in the sun and felt it carressing my face.

As I fell asleep and dreamed, I dreamed I was in a Hollywood movie, and that I was the star of the movie.

This really blew my mind - the fact that me, an overfed, long-haired, leaping gnome - should be the star of a Hollywood movie, hmmm ...

But there I was ...




Fluffy Baby Bunny

134 Posts
Karma: +4/-1
I remember that a few years ago I had a really strange dream about my cat. In that dream my cat told me that he is very glad that I always take care of him and let him stay at my place and as a reward he'll grant my three wishes. I told him that I would like to have a perfect boyfriend, be rich and live long and happy life. The cat changed into the perfect boyfriend, gave me the lottery coupon and told me that every fiance of a cat can live nine lives as well. Then I woke up. I guess it was the strangest dream I ever had.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
LOL That IS strange! I bet you were spewing when you woke up and found it wasnt real ha ha.



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
54 Posts
Karma: +2/-0
Strange cat, I find it funny to hear that. What do you think is the hidden meaning behind the dream, if there is one?



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
26 Posts
Karma: +1/-0
I have a ton of crazy and weird dreams that I could share. It would take weeks for me to write them all out. I can definitely say that all my dreams have the same kind of concept to them. Every single time I am running, I am moving in such slow motion and I do not know why. Whether I am running towards someone or away from them, I either never get there or get there super slow. It is really annoying. Often my dreams incorporate something that I did a few days or the day before. The good news is that I rarely ever have bad dreams. When I have bad dreams, I turn on my night light or just sleep with all the lights on lol. Yes, my electric bill gets very high for those months :)



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
53 Posts
Karma: +4/-0
I have SO many crazy nightmares it is ridiculous. So, I'll just tell you about two of the shorter ones I had.

*Warning! Graphic!*

I was trying to save these special needs children that were being held captive in an abandoned school building and being tortured by middle school students. They were cutting off parts of their heads with barbed wire. As I was trying to go save them, I had to go through obstacles in the school. I kept coming across bloody severed limbs and heads of children. It was terrifying. When I finally got to the room, I thought I was actually in the room, but I wasn't. I was stopped by thick glass. I then had to watch them die with no way in. I was crying hysterically as the middle school kids started to cut them into pieces with an axe. Some of them were ripping out their brains. One cut one of the special needs childrens throat with the barbed wire.

In another dream, I was strapped down to a metal table in a dark basement. I was being skinned alive by a guy with a metal mask, and a guy wearing a bunny head. I actually felt the pain and it was excruciating.



Fluffy Baby Bunny

129 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
The strangest dream I have ever had was that I was driving a bus when there was a fire in which the airplane fell all the way to the building. I was about 2 blocks away from the incident when people rushed to the safest place. I saw people were running so fast, and all of a sudden they were gone. I ran to one of the lakes and saw a policeman. He was dead, but I could hear he was going to tell me don't come anywhere near the end of the lake. By the way, the bridge was like a shell, which I stood on top of it looking at the lake. It was quiet and peaceful, and guess what had happened? I believe I was already dead.



Fuzzy Teenage Bunny

646 Posts
Karma: +17/-0
I had a dream the other night where a talking dog came up to me and told me to put out my hand. When I did, it sucked the ring off my finger and swallowed it. The rest of the dream was discussions in how best to get my ring back. I woke up before the issue was resolved.



Newborn Baby Bunny

Regular Member
10 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
Ah dreams :D Okay my strangest dream was where I was on a bus, no idea where I was supposed to be going or anything, and suddenly the bus driver had a heart attack and died and for some reason (possibly that I was getting driving lessons at the time in real life) I was the person who ran to take over the steering wheel.

So there I was driving this big bus along a big open road like a highway, when I started to become very light and float up off my seat out the top of the bus, not through a sunroof or anything just literally out through the top of the bus.... and then I was floating along on a parachute above the bus but I was still attached somehow to the bus.

I floated along for ages in a state of panic because I couldnt get down or control the bus and THEN, I got stuck in a tree. With my parachute. And woke up screaming and scared the crap out of my sister who came running into my bedroom thinking something serious was wrong with me. :D

Anxiety about learning to drive maybe?? :D 



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
I have SO many crazy nightmares it is ridiculous. So, I'll just tell you about two of the shorter ones I had.

*Warning! Graphic!*

I was trying to save these special needs children that were being held captive in an abandoned school building and being tortured by middle school students. They were cutting off parts of their heads with barbed wire. As I was trying to go save them, I had to go through obstacles in the school. I kept coming across bloody severed limbs and heads of children. It was terrifying. When I finally got to the room, I thought I was actually in the room, but I wasn't. I was stopped by thick glass. I then had to watch them die with no way in. I was crying hysterically as the middle school kids started to cut them into pieces with an axe. Some of them were ripping out their brains. One cut one of the special needs childrens throat with the barbed wire.

In another dream, I was strapped down to a metal table in a dark basement. I was being skinned alive by a guy with a metal mask, and a guy wearing a bunny head. I actually felt the pain and it was excruciating.

Well holy shit. Maybe you should become like Stephen King lol.

Hope you have nicer dreams now! <3

I had a dream the other night where a talking dog came up to me and told me to put out my hand. When I did, it sucked the ring off my finger and swallowed it. The rest of the dream was discussions in how best to get my ring back. I woke up before the issue was resolved.

What a sucky situation with a likely shitty end. Ha ha :P



Fluffy Baby Bunny

154 Posts
Karma: +11/-0
One of the most disturbing dreams I have ever had was just a few months ago.

The setting was somewhere with a coastline...ocean roaring below with trees and a rocky precipice right in front of me. I am running from a mob of church people who are hellbent for leather to kill me. I don't know what I am supposed to have done but these people are extremely angry with me, to the point of becoming a frenzied mob who finally catch up with me and proceed to literally rip me apart with their bare hands.  All the while I am smelling the sea air, seeing the darkening sky as it softly eases into the night and some stars begin to twinkle. The people are screaming, tearing me apart and throwing my body parts over the cliff and I can actually feel my body parts falling as individual pieces.

That's when I woke up shaking and sobbing.  I can honestly say that was one of the most freakiest dreams I have ever had.  0_0



Newborn Baby Bunny

Regular Member
12 Posts
Karma: +1/-0
Oh my goodness. A few nights ago I had a dream that my mom and I were in Asia chasing a fly. Of all things, a fly. What was special about this fly was that it had gold "earrings." (WHAT?!) That was by far the strangest dream I have ever,ever had in my life. I hope I never, NEVER have that dream again.



Fluffy Toddler Bunny

260 Posts
Karma: +32/-1
A few night ago I dreamed that my sister and I met a famous film actor, and that he began to dive into the concrete of the sidewalk we met him at and swim around as if the concrete were water. I applauded him because he was so talented. (My attitude towards his defying several physical laws as we all understood them, was closer to watching him sing and play a musical instrument at the same time.)

Just last night I dreamed that a mission to save the world was a solid thing, that I was chosen to do it but it was currently stored in the mattress of my bed...which was made out of a giant and particularly dense coffee-flavored lump of Turkish Delight. I thought that I'd reach into the mattress to get my life mission, but it was too gummy, so I thought, "Ugh, never mind maybe next time."

I keep a diary in case I get any ideas for stories or something, but it's usually just totally wild nonsense like this!  :P



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
75 Posts
Karma: +6/-0
This would probably be one of my most memorable dreams. When I was ten years old, I dreamed about being involved in an accident. I had that dream for almost a week, started on the second week of January 2011. However, that dream made me feel like I was watching a movie.

The first night I dreamed about it, the dream started with my dad fetching me from school that day. We were riding our motorcycle and we were going home.

On the second night, the dream opened with us being hit by another vehicle. I found myself flying in the air, and then I landed on the asphalt road, barely conscious, and covered with blood. My dad was unconscious, and he was very far from me. Our motorcycle was on the side of the road, overturned. Our belongings were scattered about.

On the third night, I dreamed that I was in the hospital, sitting on a wheelchair, and I have a cast. I don't know exactly where, but I know that I have one because I can feel its weight. My dad was still lying unconscious in his hospital bed.

It went on replay after that for the next nights. It felt weird, and I was bothered. But I didn't say anything about it to my parents. Until, on the Friday of the same week, we actually met a vehicular accident. The exact same one I dreamed about!

Feeling creeped out was an understatement, when I realized what happened. I actually had a warning before any of that happened! And I wasn't able to do anything about it!

I blamed myself for it. I felt a deep sense of foreboding the morning of our accident, but I didn't heed it.

If my dad died, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Fortunately, both of us were able to survive. I was confined in a wheelchair for several months. I had to go to school with my crutches. But my dad had to suffer a permanent defect in his shoulder. It was badly damaged, the joint was broken, but we chose not to amputate it. Despite that, we're both okay now, well, as okay as we can get. But all's good as long as we are alive.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Wow so glad you're alive!

Even the most messed up dreams make awesome stories too, btw ha ha.



Fluffy Toddler Bunny

260 Posts
Karma: +32/-1
Whoa. Just goes to show how waking life can get even stranger, huh? It's always really difficult, I think, to heed our instincts or intuition or whatever you want to call it. The nagging can be subtle, and going through with it can seem so inconvenient and silly... mostly it's uncomfortable, but it sounds like it can sometimes be dangerous not to listen to instincts!



Fluffy Baby Bunny

154 Posts
Karma: +11/-0
This would probably be one of my most memorable dreams. When I was ten years old, I dreamed about being involved in an accident. I had that dream for almost a week, started on the second week of January 2011. However, that dream made me feel like I was watching a movie.

The first night I dreamed about it, the dream started with my dad fetching me from school that day. We were riding our motorcycle and we were going home.

On the second night, the dream opened with us being hit by another vehicle. I found myself flying in the air, and then I landed on the asphalt road, barely conscious, and covered with blood. My dad was unconscious, and he was very far from me. Our motorcycle was on the side of the road, overturned. Our belongings were scattered about.

On the third night, I dreamed that I was in the hospital, sitting on a wheelchair, and I have a cast. I don't know exactly where, but I know that I have one because I can feel its weight. My dad was still lying unconscious in his hospital bed.

It went on replay after that for the next nights. It felt weird, and I was bothered. But I didn't say anything about it to my parents. Until, on the Friday of the same week, we actually met a vehicular accident. The exact same one I dreamed about!

Feeling creeped out was an understatement, when I realized what happened. I actually had a warning before any of that happened! And I wasn't able to do anything about it!

I blamed myself for it. I felt a deep sense of foreboding the morning of our accident, but I didn't heed it.

If my dad died, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Fortunately, both of us were able to survive. I was confined in a wheelchair for several months. I had to go to school with my crutches. But my dad had to suffer a permanent defect in his shoulder. It was badly damaged, the joint was broken, but we chose not to amputate it. Despite that, we're both okay now, well, as okay as we can get. But all's good as long as we are alive.

I utterly believe dreams can be prophetic and give us warnings about things to come. It is good to know that you both survived even though you got to live with the damage done from the wreck.

I just hope the one I had about getting ripped apart was just some sort of anxiety dream because that would be a horrible thing if that were to come true! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! :O

Have you ever had anymore dreams like that? I mean that recur and seem to be real? If so then I suggest paying attention.  :S



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
75 Posts
Karma: +6/-0
Wow so glad you're alive!

Even the most messed up dreams make awesome stories too, btw ha ha.

Hey, thanks! Probably won't make a story out of it. Hell, when I was typing that I was shivering.  :'(

Whoa. Just goes to show how waking life can get even stranger, huh? It's always really difficult, I think, to heed our instincts or intuition or whatever you want to call it. The nagging can be subtle, and going through with it can seem so inconvenient and silly... mostly it's uncomfortable, but it sounds like it can sometimes be dangerous not to listen to instincts!

That was actually what I thought. That I was just being silly. But I'm more careful now. Don't want a repeat of that.

I utterly believe dreams can be prophetic and give us warnings about things to come. It is good to know that you both survived even though you got to live with the damage done from the wreck.

I just hope the one I had about getting ripped apart was just some sort of anxiety dream because that would be a horrible thing if that were to come true! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! :O

Have you ever had anymore dreams like that? I mean that recur and seem to be real? If so then I suggest paying attention.  :S


Hmmn, I don't know, since I treat most of my dreams as a product of severe wanting, like say for example, the dream about me getting back together with my first love. I've had that dream for weeks after we saw each other again, but nothing happened.

However, there are, hmmn, maybe two dreams, that actually did happen. The first one was when we had a surprise quiz in our Accounting class. I can't remember it exactly, but what I do remember is that, we didn't had class for two weeks for some reason, and the week before we had the surprise quiz, I dreamed about taking a test, with our Accounting professor as proctor. I saw some questions and problems, too. Hahaha. I remembered that I passed the test in my dreams. Haha. However, I kind of did not pay attention to it, since I think it's silly, and that I'm probably traumatized with my professor since she's a terror, so I'm trying to calm myself by conjuring up that dream where I passed the exams. But I still studied, just in case.

However, when we met again for our class, we did have a surprise quiz. There was that 'no shit' moment when I saw some of the questions because they were the same questions I saw in my dreams. If you're wondering if I passed, I tell you I did.

And there was also that one dream I had probably a week or two before my professional licensure exam. I dreamed of 86.88. Yeah, just those numbers, for several nights. I didn't know what it meant during that time, and forgot about it, since I'm busy being nervous for the upcoming exams. When the results came out, I passed, with an average score of 86.88. That was why I never forgot about it.

Now I feel really weird recalling all that.  :S



Fluffy Baby Bunny

154 Posts
Karma: +11/-0
Travelingbling...sounds like you have a bit of precognitive talent. Have you ever just known something was going to happen before it happened? While you are awake? 

I've had dreams and intuitions that happened...and wished like hell I had paid attention a couple of times because I would have avoided a great deal of injury if I had. Fortunately, I survived.  :blink:



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
75 Posts
Karma: +6/-0
Travelingbling...sounds like you have a bit of precognitive talent. Have you ever just known something was going to happen before it happened? While you are awake? 

I've had dreams and intuitions that happened...and wished like hell I had paid attention a couple of times because I would have avoided a great deal of injury if I had. Fortunately, I survived.  :blink:

While I'm awake, I mostly get that nagging feeling that something big is about to happen, or something dangerous. There's really nothing definite. Just a feeling. Like the morning our accident happened, I woke up with the feeling that I shouldn't go to school that day. There was a really dark and heavy feeling of foreboding. I like school, so there's no reason for me to feel like that. But it was there. And I was really torn between going and not going to school. But my dad told me I'm too old to have Friday sickness, and that I should go to school, and so I did. For some reason I forgot about that nagging feeling most of the day. But when it was time to go home, it was there again, but different, like it was telling me I shouldn't ride the motorcycle with my father. But, no, I didn't listen. I still rode the motorcycle, and then we got into an accident.  :'( :'( :'(

Honestly, the lesson I learned from that is to listen to my instinct. But I learned the lesson late. *sigh*



Fluffy Baby Bunny

154 Posts
Karma: +11/-0
Travelingbling...sounds like you have a bit of precognitive talent. Have you ever just known something was going to happen before it happened? While you are awake? 

I've had dreams and intuitions that happened...and wished like hell I had paid attention a couple of times because I would have avoided a great deal of injury if I had. Fortunately, I survived.  :blink:

While I'm awake, I mostly get that nagging feeling that something big is about to happen, or something dangerous. There's really nothing definite. Just a feeling. Like the morning our accident happened, I woke up with the feeling that I shouldn't go to school that day. There was a really dark and heavy feeling of foreboding. I like school, so there's no reason for me to feel like that. But it was there. And I was really torn between going and not going to school. But my dad told me I'm too old to have Friday sickness, and that I should go to school, and so I did. For some reason I forgot about that nagging feeling most of the day. But when it was time to go home, it was there again, but different, like it was telling me I shouldn't ride the motorcycle with my father. But, no, I didn't listen. I still rode the motorcycle, and then we got into an accident.  :'( :'( :'(

Honestly, the lesson I learned from that is to listen to my instinct. But I learned the lesson late. *sigh*

Ah...yep. I know exactly what you are talking about. I did the same thing when I was 15 and didn't pay attention to my instincts...and ended up in a car accident that night. I survived, obviously, but it sure hurt like hell and it probably helped cause the deafness I deal with now...head hit the windshield, fingers hit the dashboard breaking two fingers and tearing off all my nails. I had some nasty whiplash and years later the damage sustained all those years ago causes me back pain, amongst other issues.

I learned to pay attention a lot more after that...almost to the point of being a bit overly paranoid and sensitive at times. It took a while, but I found a sort of middle ground with the senses.

Better to learn it a little late than never.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Had a dream last night that someone was murdered near a place I was staying. It was a creek, and I was under the impression it was Jacob Creek or something.

Anyway just wanted to make a note of it in-case anything happens lol.



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
98 Posts
Karma: +8/-0
One time a nun took off my limbs and used me as a rock in a curling game. Need I say more?



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

311 Posts
Karma: +30/-0
I have had some interesting dreams, and sometimes you know they are dreams, but sometimes, you can wake up and think they were actually real.
This dream was like that.

We lived in a tiny little house. It probably was only 500 sqft or so, and it had kind of an attic-type upstairs where there were two bedrooms where the kids slept.
The house was out in the country, and we had 3 Great Dane dogs. When they were in the house with us and the 3 kids, that little house was packed ! !
One night, I dreamed that we built on an extra room in the back, and it was for the Great Danes. It was an awesome thing  for them to have their own room and place to sleep. They loved it, and so did we.
The next morning, I woke up, and the first thing I thought of was the Great Dane Room. I rushed to the back of the house to see it ! !

There was NO Great Dane Room. I was devastated. It had seemed so real in my dream, and I just could not believe that it was not actually there.

So, sometimes, it would be good if the dreams came true.


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About the Author

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Membership Info
Jade Elizabeth (Bunny) is a Poet who has made 6253 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 12:15am Sun, Nov 2, 2008. Bunny was invited by No one (creator of this site).

About Bunny
Jade Elizabeth is an eccentric young woman who enjoys writing stories and poems with hidden deeper meanings. She is quoted saying “Writing to me is not a hobby. It's a passion. It's something that lets my thoughts expose themselves, and my heart shine through where other art could not.

Commonly her poems are inspired by love or depression, and are dedicated to the people who encouraged the emotion. Given the chance she will readily pull her poems apart, exposing the deeper and hidden meanings behind her words.

Her stories are usually unspoken messages to those close to her – giving every story a hidden meaning. Some things are better left unsaid, or in her case, expressed indirectly through stories.

Jade used to write Documentation for Simple Machines in her free time, but has since begun studying and working, which takes up most of her free time now.

Writing Style
Romance, Fantasy, and Sad Stories and Poems.

Other Works by this Author
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