
Furry Young Bunny

798 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
(sorry - no pic - photobucket won't load)

"Damnation Alley" is a fast paced, but interesting, read by Roger Zelazny. It takes place in a world that has under gone nuclear war, and the result is a devastated landscape. As far as the people in Los Angeles know, they and the group of people on the East Coast are the only ones left alive in the world. It's possible that there are other places that still have life, but no one can contact them.

Now a deadly plaque has broken out in Boston, and the only hope to keep that population alive is to somehow get the stock pile of cure to them from Los Angeles. In order to do that someone is going to have to traverse Damnation Alley, a monster and hazard filled area that lies between the two. Few people would be insane enough to try, but Hell Tanner is one of them. Of course the fact that it gets him out of prison is a good motivator...

I couldn't help but think of my brother John as I read this book, it's very much his style of story! Lots of high adrenaline action, blood and guts, and even romance! You'll laugh along the way, and you'll cling to the edge of your seat. It's well worth the read.



Fluffy Baby Bunny

134 Posts
Karma: +4/-1
I like Roger Zelazny's novels but I still haven't read that one. It might be interesting.


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Ruthie (jedimarri) is a Storyteller who has made 798 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 11:40am Thu, Jul 15, 2010. jedimarri was invited by Merily.

About jedimarri
I love to create in many different forms. Writing is just one of those! I also make jewelry, crochet, knit, do cross-stitch, and I'm teaching myself to draw!

Writing Style
Fantasy, memoirs, reviews, random things that strike my fancy

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