Simone D

Newborn Baby Bunny

Regular Member
1 Posts
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Kissing in the rain, the moment lost both of us.
it could of been a tornado how it funneled our love.
Tunneled deep through the storm we anchored tight though the dust
As we spiraled down below it, grow it then smoke it up.

If we mix it with the syrup helps it all fade away.
Make it bury all your pain inside then beg me to stay.
Then you'll flip it, turn yourself off and then turn on your games.
Belitte me point out my flaws and say that I 'll never change.
You suspect im like the others so you'll hurt me the same.

If we all just followed your moves there would be too much shame.
Your anger flowing you not knowing, showing typical ways.
I see I deserve better still you're calling my name.
Feeling turnt up now you've worked up an emotion in me.
If only I didn't love you, it'd be easy to leave.

As we're rolling now we're strolling back to memory lane,
suddenly in love again with so much to gain.
Your flip is switched, you crave me now you try to explain,
how you've always seen our future in the stars pre-ordained.

Your magic is alive inside, you claim I'm to blame
Now you want to spend your life with me it's crazy insane.
You're Alice in a wonderland, I'm Alice in Chains.
Still a passion is revived inside, I can not deny.
It's so sick an addiction, but I just can't say goodbye.
So I buckle up, grip you and prepare for the ride.

Cause now, we're Bonnie and Clyde, ride or die, side by side
Together we're invincible baby, maybe we should elope
To the mountains, for you I'll even clear the coast
Make you fall in so deep, you trip and slip the slopes
I know it might sound crazy, but here's a ray of hope,
some dope, grab your coat and let's go for a ride on my roller coaster.




Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
76 Posts
Karma: +2/-0
I think I've had one of those...

this line "You're Alice in a wonderland, I'm Alice in Chains" is my favorite.


Simone D

Newborn Baby Bunny

Regular Member
1 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
Yes unfortunately alot of women and men alike have dealt with the craziness that is accompanied with dating someone with the disorder.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Yes it's a bit of a roller coaster for sure....but thinking removing someone from their current environment will change them isn't always the solution.....and unfortunately, in my experience, people with this disorder tend to create problems everywhere they go :(.



Furry Young Bunny

843 Posts
Karma: +9/-0
So glad I've never known anyone with this...or if I have they have never told me! I think it would be exhausting.

Great lyrics by the way!



Newborn Baby Bunny

Regular Member
17 Posts
Karma: +1/-0
I've never met/dated anyone with this disorder... I admit I probably wouldn't be able to handle it. I'm not really a patient person and don't have time to deal with others problems, sometimes I wonder how it would be if I fell in love with someone with this disorder...
Loved the lyrics though!


Simone D

Newborn Baby Bunny

Regular Member
1 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
be glad if you haven't met someone with this disorder it is definitely a wild ride, and no Bunny, an environment change is never the answer lol. That's why it's all a crazy scenario of a roller coaster, because it doesn't matter where you go or what you do it's like an episode of the twilight zone.


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Simone D (Simone D) is a Regular who has made 1 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 10:39am Tue, Aug 13, 2013. Simone D was invited by no one.

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Fiction, Scifi and Erotica.

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