To Change

Series: Untitled (Subject to change), Chapter 1



Newborn Baby Bunny

9 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
I wrote this to escape a streak of boredom, and I feel like it could become something, but the train has been derailed for quite some time, so I'm looking for any pointers towards rewording, revision, or comments/criticism on it (Keeping in mind, obviously, that a sixteen year-old wrote it, and not the eighteen and a half year-old presently going through old projects. I may even find some others for you guys to look at, granted you're interested enough to do so.).

by Paul Alford

It was such a normal day for him, that he almost assumed the classes would be the same lesson as yesterday.

Cal, born Gregory Calvin Turner, spent most of his time out of school doing the same routine: Go home, check Facebook, respond as    needed, and then potato-ed his couch until his mom, Carol, would sound her screeching bedtime-alarm (which was painfully performed by her middle-aged vocal chords) and usher him off to his room where he would spend approximately half an hour on his phone, reading medicore posts from his 'friends' on his various apps.

Aside from this routine, he would occasionally find himself at his best friend, Steven's, house doing essentially the same thing he does at home, for a few hours. Cal had a basic understanding of personal hygiene, but when it came to consistency, he was about as responsible as a sloth trying to support a family by working part-time at a factory where the sloth gets paid per created... You get the point.

The only really distinct thing about him was his favorite 1995 nickel that his dad gave him for his fifth birthday, which he used to keep in-hand, but now keeps in the pocket opposite his wallet, so that he won't accidentally spend it.
So, on this typical overcast day, Cal got up, pressed the 'Random' button on his wardrobe to select his day's threads, and was off to    his bus stop. He lived in a suburb of Detroit, known locally as Bore-ville, but to the mayor, and his cabinet of unfortunately selected    advisors, as Bauerville.

The bus arrives, he finds his usual seat in the middle of the bus, and begins to dramatically (in his mind) gaze out of the window to think about life as the Michigan skyline starts to glow with morning orange.

Upon arriving to BAHS, Cal would check to see if Stevie was waiting for him at their usual place, next to the second pillar that, along    with the other five, guarded the old, raddy school. They'd meet, exchange greetings, and talk about their newest interests, but today,    Stevie had even more exciting news: a lady-friend!
Of course, you have to understand that Stevie isn't the most appealing type, so when he found out that his long-time friend had found himself a human willing to tolerate his curly ginger hair, paint-spatter freckles, and strange obsession with the paranormal, which essentially made him the most unfortunate guy on the planet; Cal was quite interested to see who or what this person was, or more    importantly to him, what this person looked like.
"Holy crap, man! Did she emerge from a portal?!" Cal exclaimed in disbelief.

"I know! And no, she didn't. She lives across town," Stevie explained, with peppered-in laughter at Cal's outburst of awe. "You could    meet her later, if you like."

"Dude. I have to meet her NOW! I-  I- .. Now!!!"

"All right! All right, I'll see if she'll sit with us at lunch. Just calm down, man; you're scaring me." Stevie, secretly, was anxious to present her to Cal, but was afraid that he'd over-sell it, and led him into the school, as the warning bell rang.

On the way to homeroom, which they both shared, because they had alphabetically close last names, their principal, Mr. Crawford,    passed by them in a hurry, with a worried and stressed look on his face.

"Did you see that?" Cal asked Stevie, quietly.

"No, what was it?" Stevie replied, confused.

"Crazy Crawford's face, you didn't see it? It was all, pale and he looks like someone's gonna kill him for something," Cal said, with    concern.

"Do you think something happened to him?" Stevie inquired.

"Nah, more like, something happened to somebody, and he has to take the heat for it. I see it all the time on tv."

"But why would he- " Before Stevie could finish his question, a siren went off, and the students were instructed via intercom to exit the    building. There was a bomb threat, and the Bauerville emergency team was called in, as the entire school stood in the parking lot, anticipating some kind of explosion.

The students and faculty were sent home, unlike most times, where they'd just be sent back into the building, because the search team    found multiple pipe bombs, and felt it required more time to "verify that the premises were safe". Cal asked his parents if he could go    over Stevie's house, but they declined, stating that they heard about the bomb threat, and wanted him to be home, as they were worried that "something could've happened" to him. With a scoff, and phone in-hand, Cal went off to his room to relax on his day off school, which was great, because tomorrow was Frankfurt Friday, and he loves his hot dogs.

The next day, it was noted in the newspaper that a girl, by the name of Darcy Lewis, was arrested for yesterday's bomb threat, and    Cal's dad, George, warned that if Cal were to "do anything stupid like that," that there would be "hell to pay."

Arriving at the second pillar off the bus, Cal walked up to an empty space where his friend was expected to be, and became curious,    but concerned. He checked around the whole front of the building, and went inside to the cafeteria to make sure that Stevie wasn't just    getting a late breakfast (which he'd usually do, if he was upset the night before, and slept in). His suspicions were verified by locating a    ball of red fuzz, half sticking out of a cereal bowl, with bits of Fruit Loops peppered into the curls. His wilted torso had some crumbs,    also, and Cal approached with urgency.

"Stevie! You okay?!"

Stevie grunted, and drops of milk flew out of the bowl his head was buried in.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Cal sat next to him, and pried Stevie's face out of the semi-vaccum of the small hard-plastic bowl. With a pop,    and cereal-milk spatter, a red face flew backwards, and hung back. He brought himself back up soon after, but he still had a limp       appearance.

"You know that girlfriend I was talking about yesterday?" Stevie muttered, with sniffles and an occasional arm-wipe to his nose.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about her. What's wrong?"

"She's the bomb-threat girl that got arrested today.. *hic* .. she called me from the police *hic* station, and she said that since she's    gonna be in jail *hic* and stuff, that *hic* we can't be together anymore.." Stevie continues to mope, and, shockingly, Cal is on the       floor, laughing hysterically.

"HAHAHAHAAHAHAA!!!  AHhhhhh... I'm sorry, man, but seriously?! You have THE worst luck of anyone I know. BOMB        THREAT GIRL?!! I'm pretty sure that Wimpy Wallace in Chem II could get at least a psychopath, but he sure would know better
than THAT!!"

"Dude.. *sniff* are you laughing at me?"

"NOnonono!! Don't get me wrong, here, man. It totally sucks that you're hurt and all, but my whole life, I've known you, and you only    get more un-lucky! Seriously, like, the guy that can't shoot to hit the broad side of a barn probably thinks he's better than you!"

"Heh.. I guess *hic* I can see what you mean.. heh heh.."

"See?!! It's SOOO hilarious! But, I gotta go, our homerooms got separated because Crazy Crawford is scared that our classes are         what's causing kids to wanna blow up the school. See you later!"

Stevie realized that Cal didn't mean to make him feel bad, but it still hurt to see him roll on the floor at his expense. Fortunately for him, he'd get a kick out of seeing Cal get a "Ultra Monster Wedgie" from Biff Warner, the starting Varsity lineman of the Bulldogs, so the day wasn't so bad, after all.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
I'm in a weird mood so I am going to pull this apart for ya :). I don't sugar coat, I'm pretty blunt, so you've been warned lol.

It was such a normal day for him, that he almost assumed the classes would be the same lesson as yesterday.

I love that line so much it's the entire reason I am actually going to all this effort ha ha. It's perfect. NEVER CHANGE IT.

Go home, check Facebook, respond as    needed, and then potato-ed his couch until

Why are there tonnes of random spaces? ha ha
Also potato-ed? Is that a play on couch potato? Maybe try vegitate or veg out? :)

Cal had a basic understanding of personal hygiene, but when it came to consistency, he was about as responsible as a sloth trying to support a family by working part-time at a factory where the sloth gets paid per created... You get the point.

Per created? Maybe try wording this one different... like...

Cal had a basic understanding of personal hygiene, but when it came to consistency he was about as responsible as....

The bus arrives, he finds his usual seat in the middle of the bus, and begins to dramatically (in his mind) gaze out of the window to think about life as the Michigan skyline starts to glow with morning orange.

You suddenly changed tense from future to present and it kind of messes with the flow :).

Upon arriving to BAHS, Cal would check to see if Stevie was waiting for him at their usual place, next to the second pillar that, along    with the other five, guarded the old, raddy school. They'd meet, exchange greetings, and talk about their newest interests, but today,    Stevie had even more exciting news: a lady-friend!

You called him Steven before...maybe change it where you mentioned it before? Also you have a lot of commas here, you really overuse them like I do, which is funny to me because I can relate ha ha. I knew there was a reason I liked you :P. You should rewrite this whole chunk ;).
Of course, you have to understand that Stevie isn't the most appealing type, so when he found out that his long-time friend had found himself a human willing to tolerate his curly ginger hair, paint-spatter freckles, and strange obsession with the paranormal, which essentially made him the most unfortunate guy on the planet; Cal was quite interested to see who or what this person was, or more    importantly to him, what this person looked like.

"so when he" kind of refers to Stevie, not Cal...maybe reword. Also too many commas here too :).
Stevie, secretly, was anxious to present her to Cal, but was afraid that he'd over-sell it, and led him into the school, as the warning bell rang.

What? Reword!

"But why would he- " Before Stevie could finish his question, a siren went off, and the students were instructed via intercom to exit the    building. There was a bomb threat, and the Bauerville emergency team was called in, as the entire school stood in the parking lot, anticipating some kind of explosion.

Why are you telling me what it is straight away? I want to find out when they find out, later, after worrying. Don't give me everything straight away lol.

Yeah you kind of lost me at that point it went from a story I was into to a story that was just handed to me where I know everything and it's like a friend is telling you their day.

The next day, it was noted in the newspaper that a girl, by the name of Darcy Lewis, was arrested for yesterday's bomb threat, and    Cal's dad, George, warned that if Cal were to "do anything stupid like that," that there would be "hell to pay."

I like this part.

It's pretty good over all, feels a little bit like a draft but I like the characters and the story :).


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Paul Alford (GiltogCD) is a Novelist who has made 9 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 11:03pm Thu, Nov 7, 2013. GiltogCD was invited by no one.

About GiltogCD
I will write a bio for my profile soon!

Writing Style
Comedy, Miscellaneous, Experimental

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