Hours later she emerged as a brand new person.  With the stolen gold, she persuaded the ladies and the gentlemen that she was indeed wealthy and could compensate them generously if they helped her with a bath and wardrobe.  Even the horse was taken care of.  It was groomed, and received brand new horseshoes, for the old ones were worn down.  She accepted nothing less than the best of what they had to offer.  Her raven black hair had been brushed, and done up in beautiful braids and a diamond necklace embraced her bare neck, and she wore matching ear rings.  She wore several rings on her fingers.  And her gown was a beautiful ruby red velvet, laced up at the front and the back.  After all the dirt had been washed off, you could truly see her pale complexion.  Lastly, she picked a heavy cloak with a large hood, lined with wolf's fur. She provided everyone that helped her with a few extra coins and then rode off on her black mare.

         A few years had passed before she finally went back to that forsaken village in which she had grown up in.  By now she was respected and a very wealthy woman in the kingdom of Zeal.  She had taken on the name to Azra Maharet Mariatu by which she was known to everyone.  The horse had unfortunately passed away due to a fatal disease it had acquired years before she even rescued it, probably from it's mistreatment.  Now she owned many horses, all of which were well taken care of.

        She rode into the town, the cloak draped around her and the hood drawn over her head so that no one would immediately recognize her.  She hopped off of the horse with the help of her servants, and walked up to the first man she beheld.  She asked him if he could bring her to a certain house, her aunt's house though she was not going to say so.  The man lead her to the house and left quickly.  The house was in terrible condition.  The wood paneling on the outside was cracked and broken in several places, and nearly all the windows had been broken in.  The garden that she used to mend was no longer there, instead it was just empty ground with lazy dogs laying all over it.   A little girl was standing at the door way, it's hair mangled and knotted up.  When was the last time this child had a bath?  She recognized the little girl.  It was her cousin's child.  It had only been a new born when Azra was taken away.  Kerri was her name, Kerri Aislinn.  Azra pushed the hood back, so that the little girl could see her face, though she didn't expect Kerri to remember her.  Azra asked Kerri if her family was at home, and if she could come inside.  The little girl nodded, she was only 5 years old.  Azra could not have prepared herself for what she was about to encounter.  As she crossed the threshold into the house, she saw dirt and debris all over the house.  There were chickens and pigs wandering around as if this was the barn.  There was no one else in sight, except Kerri, whom Azra followed closely.  Azra asked Kerri what had happened to the place, but there was no explanation the little girl could provide other than that this is how it was long before she was old enough to think.  They went up the stairs and into the master bedroom.  There lying on the bed was the biggest disappointment Azra had ever seen.  It was her aunt.  She looked very sick, and her skin was pale.  Her lips had a blue tone to them.  Was she still alive?  The old woman asked who was there.  She was blind as well.

        After Azra had made herself known to the woman, they had a lengthy discussion about almost everything they could think of, without Azra giving away her big secret.  Even though Azra had been driven by vengeance all these years, she could not bare to tell her aunt the truth about how she became wealthy.  It was getting dark outside when the conversation finally ended by her aunt passing away.  After Azra had left the village half a decade ago, the family mysteriously fell sick, and one by one everyone died.  The old woman was the last, and the one whom had suffered the most.  Was this perhaps the punishment she had wished upon them?  She felt no guilt for what had befallen the family.  They, after all, had treated her as if she was a criminal.  Now, there was only one more thing she wished to do.  On her way out, she encountered the little girl.  With a soft smile she extended her hand towards Kerri.  She told Kerri that she would take her far away, to a place where she could have anything and everything she wanted.  Kerri's face radiated with joy, and the little girl gladly took Azra's hand.  Right then she felt that the small child had already grown more mature than most little girls her age.  She was going to be very smart when she grew up.

        With Kerri on the horse, Azra walked through the village, greeting random farmers with a slight nod of the head.  They all stared in disbelief that she was still alive.  This gave Azra joy.  She had always wanted to make such an impression on the people that made her early years a living hell.

        As the years passed, Kerri grew up in a mansion, getting the best education possible in those days.  Azra had grown very fond of Kerri, and thought of Kerri as her own daughter.  She wanted to provide her with the childhood she was never fortunate to have.  Together, they had a great time, attending balls at the king's castle, or riding the horses through the gardens and pastures.  They had a great time until one day word came out that Azra was not human.  Their superstition wasn't ill-fed, for over the years, Azra had not aged one bit since that fatal day in the cavern.  by that time, Azra had long confided in Kerri that she was a demon, though Kerri did not hate Azra.  Kerri defended Azra anytime someone spoke ill of her.  And this was Kerri's downfall.  The people had deemed Kerri a demon as well and killed her.  This angered Azra greatly.

        That night went down in Zeal's history.  It was October 31st, the day of Kerri's birth 18 years before.  That night, Azra single-handedly massacred 200 men and women of the city's inhabitants.  That was the last time anyone in that lifetime saw Azra.  She had vanished off of the face of the earth along with her riches, and even Kerri's lifeless body.  The entire Mansion had been cleared out by sunrise the next day of the massacre.  Over many millennia random villagers, poets, and wanderers glimpsed her.  "A young woman in a large house stands at the window, looking out as if she was waiting for the return of someone" was the usual descriptions of her sightings.  People say that in the place of Azra's birth there stands a tomb, and inside resides the body of Kerri Aislinn, Azra's so called daughter.

        No one really knows what happened to Azra.  Some say she killed herself from the pain of losing the one person she loved, while others say that she plots against all human race with an army of demons.  All that was rubbish.  Azra had left the wonderful kingdom of Zeal, and wandered into the City of Rhy'Din.  There she came across hundreds of different kinds of inhuman beings.  Some where demons, such as herself, no two demons were completely alike.  Some were Anthro's and some even Elven.  Though the most unwelcome sort were the Vampires.  The fabled vampires.  In truth most were obnoxious and pesky creatures.  There were only few whom were true descendants of Akasha and Enkhil, the mother and father of vampires.  Most of the others were half-lings.  Children with half of a gift.  She never did understand how a vampire managed to reproduce.  That must have been tampered with by some scientific moron who tried to make a name for himself.  She never had much trouble from any of the other creatures that resided in Rhy'Din.  Occasionally she would come across one or two fools who had read up on ancient history and put two and two together and just happened to cross Azra's path.  Though, they usually wouldn't live to tell the tale.

         This was Azra's story. May her future shine brighter than her past.