
Newborn Baby Bunny

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I prefer to write non-fiction, but find it easier to write fiction! How about you?




Growing Baby Bunny

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I find it easier to write fiction and I prefer it. I'm not sure how to write non fiction well  :S

I mean, I would write something, but think "this is too easy, surely there's more to this." Because there are only so many writing techniques you can put in a non fiction work. When I write fiction I'm always thinking about the lexis and the metaphors, y'know, all that good stuff. I'd never be a good writer for a newspaper, I guess.  :P



Growing Baby Bunny

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I think it all comes down to one's preferences. Most writers write about things they like or for those who don't have the leisure of choosing, writing factual things say like a news item and so on. For me however, I like writing fiction because I have lived most of my life in a dream world. I've had imaginary friends, fantasized about being great and stuff. Fiction let's me place my characters in that world and see how they can cope with challenges in their quest to achieve their goals.



Growing Baby Bunny

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I don't like reading non-fiction and I've never tried writing it (not counting some school assigments). So I definitely prefer fiction. I think to write good non-fiction stuff one really has to be an expert on some topic, and not many people are, to be quite honest.



Newborn Baby Bunny

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I feel like I have more freedom with fiction. I enjoy it much more and love that I'm able to create literally anything. I could say anything at all, and it would not be "false." Fiction, to me, is also more fun. There are countless ideas, words, characters - anything, really.

However, sometimes I do incorporate a lot of true things into my fiction writing. Some of the shorter prose pieces I write are often loosely based off my life or real events I've experienced.



Growing Baby Bunny

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This post has inspired to get back to my short stories today! i forgot how much I love writing fiction :P :P :P!



Marketing Team

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BOTH! I just have to be interested or I will probably end up dying slowly. I just can't be moved when I am not motivated/excited/interested.



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

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I actually much prefer non-fiction. I dabbled in fiction when I was in my teens because at that point, everyone was telling me that I should "be a writer" or "write a book." I was somewhat narrow-minded on this and thought that this meant I was supposed to write fiction. As in, when someone says "You should write a book!!" it doesn't usually mean "You should go write a series of essays that are based on fact and information." They're usually talking about your creative side, you know?

I had started writing a couple books in grade school. Yes, I was one of THOSE kids who used their free time to write books and organize bookshelves in their free time. I later worked on some other fiction pieces, but ultimately, I much prefer working with facts. I like writing real information. I like doing interviews. I like re-telling real-life stories and adding my own voice to those. I just enjoy it so much more than making things up entirely.



Newborn Baby Bunny

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I think it's much easier to write fiction. Even easier is fantasy fiction, because if there's something you don't know about you can simply create whatever you want out of your imagination. Even historical fiction can be difficult. A while ago I started writing a fiction piece set in ancient Egypt. I felt the story was sound, but once I started writing with detail, I realized I didn't know everything I wanted to about ancient Egypt. Even for a fiction piece, I want the setting, time period, and the way people acted and spoke to feel authentic, and be historically accurate. Even something as far-off as political views of the time can be a vital factor in the way your characters think about others and the actions they decide to take. I'm letting the story rest for now while I do more research to fill in the gaps.



Fluffy Toddler Bunny

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I keep diaries: one notebook for things that happened during the day and how I felt about it, and another for what I dreamed about the night before.

I believe that they really helped me hone my style and get past creative blocks because, well, for one thing I don't have to be creative about them. All I'm doing is writing down a description of something that I experience. I don't even have to write with style when I keep those, but stylish description becomes a goal--that is completely okay to not reach, because they're private diaries.

They get me writing, remind me that I technically can write, and those are basically my safe spaces. For that reason, nonfiction is easier for me to write.


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Donna Reilly (DonnaIReilly) is a Regular who has made 14 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 02:30pm Sun, Feb 16, 2014. DonnaIReilly was invited by no one.

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