
Fluffy Baby Bunny

197 Posts
Karma: +10/-1
Does anyone attend writing conventions? I listen to Mur Lafferty over at I Should Be Writing (the podcast) and she is always attending conventions as a writer/podcaster.

I know a lot of fans go to cons to dress up and meet their favourite authors, but do any of you go to meet publishers or to learn more about your craft? Which ones do you attend? Would you recommend conventions?




Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to attend one. I'm poor, and in Australia so I'm not sure what's available to me lol. I think there was a publishing one last year but I was very ill :(.


Sandra Piddock

Fluffy Baby Bunny

132 Posts
Karma: +17/-0
No, it's never really appealed to me. I do like to read articles and blog posts from respected writers,  because they often trigger ideas for articles of my own, or for forum posts. However, I think a convention would take up too much of my writing time, and knowing my luck, the things I was most interested in would probably clash, so I would have to choose.

Then there's the cost to consider, as Bunny said. I think the only way I'd attend a writing convention would be if I was asked to speak at it - and that's highly unlikely.


Ellie Insanity

Fluffy Toddler Bunny

247 Posts
Karma: +1/-0
I would also love to attend conventions as I find that they are good for meeting new people and getting connected/contacts, but I have no money and can not drive, so it would be a little difficult for me to do that



Fluffy Baby Bunny

197 Posts
Karma: +10/-1
Yeah, I don't have an unlimited travel fund...just yet that is. One day. When I do, I think I would love to add a convention to my to do list.



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0
No, I don't go to ones like that.

I do, however, go to a blogging conference that's huge in the US. It's BlogHer and I've been there a couple times already. It's incredible and I've already signed up and bought tickets for next year, too.



Fluffy Baby Bunny

197 Posts
Karma: +10/-1
No, I don't go to ones like that.

I do, however, go to a blogging conference that's huge in the US. It's BlogHer and I've been there a couple times already. It's incredible and I've already signed up and bought tickets for next year, too.

What's that experience like, Jessi? Can you maybe give us some idea of what a big convention is like? Do you meet any cool blogging superstars?



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0

Well, it's INCREDIBLE. Absolutely amazing. Stunning. Life-changing.

That might sound dramatic, but they really have affected my life in big ways. I've met some amazing people....learned information that changed how I run my sites entirely.....got products that altered what I do on a day-to-day basis.

That being said, it's not like that for everyone. Some people walk away disappointed and not "getting" it. It's what you make of the experience, though. If you just sit in your hotel room the whole time or spend the whole weekend focused on getting 'swag', then you're going to have an entirely different experience than I do.



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0
Oh, and yes, you meet blogging superstars. You may discover that some people consider -you- a superstar even. I don't know what kind of blogs you read, so I can't really do much name dropping for you, but there are all sorts of people who show up there.



Fluffy Baby Bunny

197 Posts
Karma: +10/-1

Well, it's INCREDIBLE. Absolutely amazing. Stunning. Life-changing.

That might sound dramatic, but they really have affected my life in big ways. I've met some amazing people....learned information that changed how I run my sites entirely.....got products that altered what I do on a day-to-day basis.

That being said, it's not like that for everyone. Some people walk away disappointed and not "getting" it. It's what you make of the experience, though. If you just sit in your hotel room the whole time or spend the whole weekend focused on getting 'swag', then you're going to have an entirely different experience than I do.

Yeah, I'm expected to do academic conferences in my program. And most people do the hotel room and swag route and then come home complaining about it not being worth the money, the headache of travel, etc.

As with everything, it's what you make of it. Glad to hear your BlogHer experience was life-changing!!

The other thing I've heard with conferences is it's 1) a networking tool and 2) a friend making tool. So I guess I would say to keep those things in mind if you decide to attend a conference.



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0
It's definitely both of those. I come home with hundreds of business cards each time. It takes a while to get through, but then I connect with those people on Twitter, Facebook, etc, and stay in touch that way. It has brought me business connections, too.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Maybe we should try to hold some sort of convention that's free or very cheap, like $5 a head or something.

You know I think there was a free one not long ago...



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1

We have that but it's pay per event...at $20+ an event I think I would be out of money when I was done with my cart ha ha. Besides, even $20 is too much for just one event.

Also this one but it doesn't tell me the prices until it's closer to the date:

Most of the ones I wanted to go to were $200+ entry and I just can't afford it. They're basically limiting themselves to rich people or people who are already successful writers. I think that's wrong. You should be supporting and helping all writers, not trying to drain their bank accounts or excluding them.



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0
For the ones that have high ticket prices, that's when you get sponsors. That's what I have done in the past. I have had a company sponsor me and then I talk about them when I'm at the conference, too...or I wear their t-shirt, etc. Or just make a couple posts about them on my blog and don't actually do anything at the conference itself.



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0
Oh, and as for free ones, that's really hard to pull off. I have done online get-together/webinars, though. It has some of the same benefits of meeting new people and gaining new information....but without the traveling, hotel expenses, and necessary sponsors for food, etc.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Sponsors sounds awesome! How do you do that?



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0

Seriously, if there's a conference you want to go to, start thinking of all the businesses, companies, or even popular bloggers who could benefit by you attending and possibly talking about them. Then reach out to those people with an advertising or sponsor option. Be prepared for the rejection, but have some smaller options instead of relying on a single company to sponsor the whole cost. You can offer them things like an ad on your site, a couple posts about them, handing out their info at the conference, or even giving them a spreadsheet of all the email addresses you collect from the conference (make sure you disclose this to people you interact with, though).



Fluffy Baby Bunny

129 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
Is writing convention same as book signing? I haven't been to any of the writing convention, but I have gone to one of the book signings. I have met one of my favorite authors, Sarah Dessen, who writes Young Adult Contemporary fiction. That was good times, good times right there!



Newborn Baby Bunny

Regular Member
13 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
I have attended local conferences only as i am a member of a Writer's Club in the institute where i am employed at. I was sent and have attended national conferences though,  but on library and information science , not on writing conferences.



Growing Baby Bunny

80 Posts
Karma: +5/-0
I probably should, and network more.  I don't, but I definitely should.



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
52 Posts
Karma: +5/-0
Attending a writing convention would be amazing! Its definitely something I want to do one day when money isn't an issue and my kids are out of diapers! The thought of being around so many other writers and influential creative minds, I mean, just the thought is excitement enough at this point!



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
47 Posts
Karma: +4/-0
I've never had an opportunity to do that before, but I'm not sure if I'd go, anyway. I find a lot of writer/wannabe writer types to be really self-absorbed and insufferable. But if it were a serious, business-like convention and not just a random event for people interested in writing, then I guess it'd be a shame to miss it!


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FlanneryCam (FlanneryCam) is a Writer who has made 197 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 10:06pm Sat, Aug 18, 2012. FlanneryCam was invited by no one.

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