
Fuzzy Teenage Bunny

557 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
Read back through my post explaining why I dropped out of college and realized it was all bullshit. lol I just don't really like explaining why I did so, and at the time I convinced myself the "reasonable" excuses I was spewing at people were the actual reasons, but that's not really the case.

Going to college in another state was the first time I was away from any sort of support network, and it takes me a while to build up another one. Thus, I had frequent panic attacks, and had days where I would only leave the room to use the restroom and maybe eat and shower. When I would go out in public, I felt like I was about to break down and start screaming. I can't think of any legitimate reason for the panic attacks besides just suffering from depression and anxiety, since I had a few friends, was seeing a therapist on campus, and wasn't doing too horribly in my classes. I think maybe just all the new social situations I had to deal with were freaking me out. Example: I started going to a martial arts club, but stopped because I got sick and couldn't get myself to go back. The supervisor of the club was also a supervisor of the English Enthusiasts club I regularly went to, and he was always asking when I'd be back to the martial arts club, which instead of me just going back or deciding I didn't want to do that anymore, it sent me into a spiral of guilt and an unwillingness to see him at all.
I ended up deciding that "college wasn't right for me," as the "reasonable" excuse to avoid dealing with everything (though this was entirely subconscious). No matter what, I just couldn't stay at that school. By the time I decided I would drop out, I had already skipped a week or two of class and activities because I couldn't get myself out of my room. I don't think I ever told my parents that. I only told a few people who I was sure would at least kind of understand. The months after dropping out were awkward because of family members I rarely talk to, and ones who invested money in my college education, were calling and asking why I dropped out, and I could only throw the lame "I'm not fit for college" thing at them, and they danced around calling me an idiot.
Luckily, I realized that excuse was just a stupid excuse after a semester of not going to college, and started going to a community college, which I am still attending. I'm taking it slow, and still occasionally feeling like a failure for not only dropping out, but also not having as many credits as the class who graduated a year after me do.  I graduated in 2009 and, after this semester, will only have 37 credits. Next semester I'm going to a university and living off campus with two of my friends (if things work out as we're currently planning). I'm glad I'm going back to college because I really don't have the people skills to move up in any sort of career without an education, and hopefully all this necessary interaction (and the kissing ass I will have to do to get into a grad school) will help me gain the skill at social interaction I've always lacked.
I guess we'll see.

Just thought I'd give an update to explain exactly why I left Tiffin, since the reason I gave last time really was rather pathetic. lol



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
I understand how you felt. I can completely relate even now. I dropped out of on campus study because I was ashamed I had to redo units and couldnt move up with the rest of my class (there's like 4 classes in that building so they'd have seen me come and go), but also because of the cost involved and the fact that I felt like I was wasting so much time it was not funny. I'd spend 4 hours travel a day and 4 hours in the classroom....why not stay home study for 8 and get it done in half the time?? I was getting pretty frustrated.

With the support network I guess that depends. It took me 2 months to go out and meet people when I moved to Germany but within about a month I had 2 really awesome friends (and now I miss them), and not long after that I had 5 or so. I had to be forced out though...but in the end it helped.

On the guilt thing, it's half the reason I don't do stuff...because everyone wants something and in the end I am overwhelmed and have no motivation left for what I want/need to do :(.



Fuzzy Teenage Bunny

557 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
The guilt thing sucks... Especially since my parents seem to have stopped expecting anything of me and instead wait for me to fail again. Of course, the way my mom repeatedly insults me and breaks me down without realizing she is doing so could be a while other post. XD
Motivation is hard for me to come by. I think it's a thick mixture of natural laziness and lingering depression.

But you and I will get above it all and be super awesome! =D Though you're already a step ahead of me with this awesome site. =P



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Ha! Hardly. If I was ahead of you the new design would have been out when it was started 2 years ago LOL.



Fluffy Baby Bunny

129 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
Yes, it happens to me to when I went to a college that's 2 hours away from my home. I stayed at that college for about one semester before I decided to come back home. First, I couldn't meet any new friends because most of my friends live in the same town as I do. I thought not able to make new friends wasn't a big deal since I should focus on school rather than social life, you know. I was wrong. I ate lunch in college by myself, and I didn't even talk with my classmates because they looked at me like I were an outsider. They knew I was from a different town, which they immediately put me out of their friendship circle. I know how you feel about your situation. Let me tell you, it was hard at first because I have never left home before and have never left my parents for 6 months.



Newborn Baby Bunny

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5 Posts
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That's good that you went back to school and are continuing your education. College is not for everyone. I also had panic attacks in college and dropped out. Instead i focused on my career in radio. 15 years of it and I still get negative feedback from my family for not going to college.I think a degree doesn't get you a job all the time. These days it's based on experience in the field to get a job. So try to get a part time job in what you're studying to secure your future. Good luck! xx


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Nameless (samgam) is a Novelist who has made 557 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 05:36pm Sun, Mar 8, 2009. samgam was invited by No One.

About samgam
A random ball of awkward. Now available at WalMart!

Along with writing things I've never published, I've edited books for a company that failed.

My newest hobby is knitting.

Writing Style
Fantasy, romance, drama, humor

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