Creative Burrow

Buried Bunny

1,750 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
Does your character know any made up or foreign languages? Do they exist today, or have these languages ever existed? Who created them? Tell us about them!



Fuzzy Teenage Bunny

577 Posts
Karma: +0/-1
In Opusculum, speaking multiple language is a necessity for a traveling merchant--as it truly was required historically during the Middle Ages. Between Qamar and his father, they speak Andalusian Arabic, Maghrebi Arabic, Catalan, Occitan, French, Latin, and the Language of the Birds.

-Andalusian Arabic is now extinct, having died out at the end of the Reconquista that forced the Moslems out of Spain for the final time.

-Maghrebi Arabic is still spoken along the northwestern coast of Africa, in Morocco, Algeria, over to Syria and such.

-Catalan is the official language of Andorra currently, and still spoken in passing in Spain.

-Occitan is similar to Catalan and found commonly in southern France, spoken in the provinces of Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrenees, and Languedoc. 

-French and Latin should obviously be still spoken widely and a dead language.

-The Language of the Birds was the secretive language of metaphors and code used by alchemists during the Middle Ages to obscure their works from laymen.


Andre Vienne

Furry Young Bunny

666 Posts
Karma: +2/-0
Goran doesn't speak English for the most part; he knows it enough to ask where the bathroom is, but otherwise, not so much.. His primary language is Spanish, and his father taught him Czech, but he doesn't use it much anymore. He is conversant and technically literate in Chinese, and knows enough Hindi to get around.

This takes place less than a century into the future, or close to a century; language hasn't changed too much, so they're still recognizable as that language.


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Nameless (Creative Burrow) is a Administrator who has made 1750 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 12:15am Sun, Nov 2, 2008. Creative Burrow was invited by Bunny.

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