
Furrless Old Bunny

1,215 Posts
Karma: +1/-0
Guys, guys, guys, I'm at a loss!
I haven't felt that oh so brilliant and warming creative spark in far too long! I am at a loss! How am I supposed to retrieve this?! What must I do to once again return to the motherly arms of the vibe for writing? I do miss such days.... Any ideas?



Andre Vienne

Furry Young Bunny

666 Posts
Karma: +2/-0
I find what generally sparked ideas in the first place.

Then I introduce myself to it again. And again. And again.



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Knowing your interests, this may help:

My teacher always said that spending time around nature would help us feel better, find ourselves, and get inspired. SO if you can go for a long country walk. Take a camera, forget about everything and have fun. Take lunch with you and make it a day if you like!

She was right, at least for me, and I will be doing that soon. I only take my cell because I get lost - and I lose track of time (so mum can call and say "block head, it's DARK!! COME HOME!!" lol :D...which she hasnt needed to do exactly <>).

Also, this could help you (since lack of inspiration could be considered a block):



Fuzzy Teenage Bunny

577 Posts
Karma: +0/-1
I usually take inspiration from reading.  Usually reading stories or watching something that's similar to what I'm trying to work on.  Needless to say the Great Book of Amber has given me a drive for fantasy stories.



Fuzzy Teenage Bunny

646 Posts
Karma: +17/-0
I pick a letter of the alphabet, then write a sentence using only words that start with that letter.
Sometimes it gives you a kick along... you can use that sentence as a basis to expand on, or just do a whole pile of them for fun.



Furrless Old Bunny

1,215 Posts
Karma: +1/-0
Hmmm interesting, thanks guys.
It's ironic I went on a really long walk today and I am inspired :D
I look forward to testing out the other ideas too ^_^



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
61 Posts
Karma: +3/-0
This a question I can never answer. I write when the words come or when I see something that inspires me. If those two things don't happen, I don't write.



Fluffy Toddler Bunny

Regular Member
231 Posts
Karma: +33/-0
Knowing your interests, this may help:

My teacher always said that spending time around nature would help us feel better, find ourselves, and get inspired. SO if you can go for a long country walk. Take a camera, forget about everything and have fun. Take lunch with you and make it a day if you like!

She was right, at least for me, and I will be doing that soon. I only take my cell because I get lost - and I lose track of time (so mum can call and say "block head, it's DARK!! COME HOME!!" lol :D...which she hasnt needed to do exactly <>).

Also, this could help you (since lack of inspiration could be considered a block):
[TCP] Podcast: Bookwright Tom Evans on Dealing with Writer’s Block

I totally agree with Bunny on this one. Getting out into nature always helps me when I am not feeling very creative. There is something about natural beauty that makes me want to pull out a pen and paper and start writing...even if it is giberish that does not make sense. Sometimes you can find a sparking topic out of just random writing.


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Nameless (Lunar) is a Poet who has made 1215 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 03:40pm Sun, Dec 7, 2008. Lunar was invited by Runic.

About Lunar
I will write a bio for my profile soon!

Writing Style
Romance, Horror, Fantasy.

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