Working for the Mayfields

Series: Working for the Mayfields, Part 1


Simone D

Newborn Baby Bunny

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1 Posts
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Cole Bishop, was suffering through a drought of sorts. He had been unemployed for almost four months since losing his job at Workman Realty. Though his angst was beginning to thwart his optimism, his wife Sandra and daughter Ellie remained encouraging.

Every Monday morning, bright and early at 5 am, Sandra would press a nice suit which she left hanging in the bathroom for Cole to dress after his shower. Ellie who showed her support mostly through food, would awake by 6 to cook her father's favorite breakfast, two eggs over easy with sausage and lightly buttered toast. Once Cole was showered, dressed and fed, the two ladies would sandwich him at the door kissing him before bidding him good luck.

"Today's the day, daddy! I just know it!" Ellie would say.
"She's right dear, anyone would be lucky to have you on their staff. Just keep your chin up and soon you'll have to turn the offers away!" His wife would chime in agreement. He would thank them both,  spirited as he set off on his way.

By Friday however, Cole would return still jobless and even further discouraged from a weeks worth of disappointments. While his wife was unaware, Cole could see the worry in her eyes after the first two months of this pattern. He knew that the bills were piling up and the mortgage they owed the bank would wait for no one. He was running out of options. They needed money to pay for Ellie's education expenses as well or else she wouldn't be able to attend class in the fall.
The thought of his selfless daughter having to forgo school was enough to drive him mad. He was frustrated and angry. He was tired of his wife's optimistic front. He knew she hadn't ever considered that she'd be married to a jobless husband who couldn't  even afford to keep his family afloat and financially stable.

This was how trouble often began in marriages that ended in divorce. Pretty soon she wouldn't be smiling as he set off to look for a job. She would become bitter and full of irreversible resentment. Then she'd leave him, taking Ellie with her. She'd meet some wealthy Joe who would whisk her away, while Ellie called him daddy and cooked his breakfast before they kissed him on the cheek. Only they wouldn't wish him luck, because he would be headed off to his job, that payed the mortgage and kept young Ellie in school.

Cole simply couldn't have that. He couldn't sit here in the house awaiting his own eventual demise either. He jumped briskly to his feet, grabbing his coat and hat and he burst through the front door, never pausing to say goodbye. He needed to have a drink and clear his head and he knew just where he'd go to do it.

Truman's was the local bar where most of the dads from the neighborhood went to settle off bets, relax and shoot pool while downing a couple beers.
Cole had never considered opening a tab there, but today was as good a day as any to do so. He knew the owner Lawrence and he was certain he'd helped him save 10% on his family's home last summer, so in a sense he felt, Lawrence owed him a beer or two anyway.

When he arrived at the hole in the wall bar, there was a chorus of voices buzzing about for one thing and for another, the place was crowded, which was unusual.
Cole welcomed this though, as it would be a proper distraction from the troubles that led him here in the first place.

Pushing through the crowd he bumped in to Eddy Martin, the town drunk who lived just two blocks over on Wayland Street.

"Hey Ed! What's all the fuss about? Y'got any idea?" He asked him.

His eyes grew wide and surprised as he responded. "You haven't heard? Well there's a job fair out at the Mayfield Center tomorrow!" He hiccuped. "They are hiring almost everybody who walks in!" He proclaimed, his wide eyes now wild.

"Oh c'mon now Ed don't be ridiculous, no way they're hiring everybody who walks in...gotta be some kinda fluke!"

"Oh no, I'm telling ya Cole, just last week, why they hired 27 men! Twenty seven! Can you wrap your head around that? Just ask Lawrence, he'll back me up!"

They pushed further into the crowd, making their way up to Lawrence at the bar. He spotted Cole and his face turned up into a hearty smile.

"Well I'll be! Cole Bishop! Ain't seen you around since...well since about last summer I s'pose. What'll it be for ya?"

"Just a snibbit of information for now, Lawrence. Is it true what Ed here is saying, what the whole bar's buzzing about? Is that Mayfield place hiring folk left and right?"

"Oh absolutely, just last week my nephew Drew went in. Hadn't had a job in over half a year! He walked right in and they hired him on the spot! Just like that! You oughta check it out. Best thing is..." He leaned in lowering his voice two octaves before continuing. "This week they sent my sister what they called a family bonus check, on account of Drew having to work out of town for a few weeks. It was very generous y'know, how they send it to the family like that since we wont see Drew for awhile. They'll be opening up tomorrow looking for more people! Poor old Drew didn't even have much experience, so I'm betting my bottom dollar, you with that fancy realtor's license you got'll fare off even better over there!"

Cole had heard enough. He also remembered Sandra wouldn't know where on earth he'd gone off to. He thanked both Lawrence and even Ed before pushing his way back out of the bar. He didn't need a drink now. Now he had to rush home to tell Sandra and Ellie the good news.

Sandra who had indeed been worried as to his whereabouts, was just wrapping his dinner plate, when he got home.
He approached her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist excitedly. She twirled around loose of his grip.

"Cole Elizor Bishop! You had me worried sick. What on earth has gotten into you, running out on me like that? I had no idea where you'd gone. I even thought you might have..." She paused, her voice cracking through her words. Looking into her eyes Cole didn't even need her to finish. He knew what she'd thought. That he'd gotten so fed up he chose to just walk away and never return. To think he'd been worried she would possibly leave him! He saw tears well up in her eyes and he rushed toward her grabbing her hands in his own.

"I'm sorry honey! You've just got to know I'd never do such a thing. I was upset is all, just needed some space to clear my head. I just couldn't bear to look in your eyes again and see the fear, honey thats all. I swear I'd never do such a thing like that to you and Ellie! Come now, it's all right. Anyway I've got news! Where's Ellie? I need you both to hear it!

He wiped away his wife's tears ever so gently and kissed her soft lips. She managed a half smile building curiosity for what he had to tell them.

"Ellie! Ellie dear it's your father. He's come back and he wants to talk with us both. Won't you come down honey?" Sandra called out.

Moments later the clatter of Ellie's black and white oxfords could be heard running downstairs. Cole loved the sight of her running toward him with her curls bouncing as they framed her perfect face. She was his little girl and he embraced her, hugging tight as a smile froze on his face.
Pulling back from her he grabbed one hand from each of them prepared to spill the good news.

He told them about the crowd at Truman's and what both Ed and Lawrence said about the Mayfield Center.

"You shoulda seen the place!" He exclaimed.

"It was the most crowded I've ever seen it. All the guys were talking about it. They hired 27 men and tomorrow they're gonna hire 27 more! And I'm going to be first in line!"

Sandra and Ellie smiled and hugged him with a mixture of emotions, mostly happiness and relief. When the excitement wore down and the girls grew tired they opted to settle off to bed.

The girls departed and Cole reheated his dinner plate before he joined, taking his place alongside Sandra.

The next morning when Sandra awoke to press Cole's suit, she discovered him already dressed and sipping coffee downstairs in the kitchen, as he read the previous day's paper.

She was elated to finally see Cole in such a grand mood. It had been months since she'd seen the pep he now had in his step this morning. He was ready and confident, two things she'd thought he needed to be more of in these past few weeks. They chatted together until Ellie awoke, just in time to see him off.
They each kissed a cheek as always and this time it was he that was encouraging before he took off down the street.

When Cole arrived at the Mayfield Center, he noted that he was indeed the first in line. He stood with his hands in his pockets already fully intrigued. It was only then in that moment that he stopped to question just what type of work he'd be doing if he was in fact hired today. Searching back through his mind he recollected all the information he could from his conversations with Ed and Lawrence. Come to think of it neither of them seemed to have been very specific about the details. He remained optimistic still, because he knew that whatever he had to do it was better than not having anything to do at all, especially when he was being paid.

Before long there was a long line formed behind him. Men from all over town were gathered with the same high hopes he had. The collective cheerfulness was contagious in the air. Behind him a familiar voice rang out, only it was different than it normally was somehow. he turned facing the line to see Eddy Martin, dressed in a clean pressed suit and tie. His normally greasy hair was now light and clean. The gruff five o clock shadow he once had was now clean shaven. He looked great. In that moment Cole had half a mind to step out of line and go over and shake his hand. He felt proud and glad to see Ed looking so sharp. He hoped they both were hired.

Meanwhile Sandra and Ellie anxiously cleaned and did laundry as they awaited the results of the job fair. Sandra was neatly folding and matching socks when she heard a pounding at the front door. It seemed much too early to be Cole. That couldn't be good. Feeling a mild sense of dread she headed toward the door.

Suzanne Truman stared teary eyed into Sandra Bishop's home. She didn't know where to begin. Sandra welcomed her inside.

"Suzy, what's going on? Whatever is the matter?"

Suzy who was so shaken up she was literally shaking, gathered herself to speak and when she did, Sandra could not have been less prepared.

" It all started a couple weeks ago with that Mayfield place. I was really excited at first y'know, because Drew had been out of work so long. I had no idea what we were going to do. The debt collectors were looking to take prophit from Lawrence's bar soon if we couldn't pay up. Goodness!" She paused to accept a tissue Sandra reached out to give her.

" Well Drew left that day and got hired on the spot, so he never came back home. I wasn't worried but then later in the week I realized something kinda odd."

She paused again, this time seeming unsure how to proceed.

"It's ok Suzy, go on. Tell me what you realized." Sandra gently prodded.

" Well I, I felt like I'd been hypnotized and I was just coming out of it. You see I realized...I'd never really heard of the Mayfield Center. It's really quite difficult to understand, but it's like...the whole town seems to remember it and recognize the name as though it's always been here the whole time. I tell you I even thought I was crazy and then I remembered this."

She reached down in her purse and pulled out a photograph. It was a picture of Drew standing outside his old job at Barney's garage right in the very place where The Mayfield Center should have been. She then pulled out seven more photos, all similar to the first.

"These are from Drew winning Employee of the month. Barney always had him go out front so they could get the shop's sign in the shot. These are pictures from the last eight years. It's proof. Proof we've all gone mad. How could the Mayfield Center have been around 10 years but not in ANY of these? It just doesn't make sense.

"Well I really thought I was mad, why even with the pictures  I still felt like I needed more proof. So I went down to Lawrence's and astked around to see what people had to say when I asked them how long they thought the place had been here."

She paused yet again, this time slightly annoying Sandra who had grown fairly anxious at this point.

"Then what Suzy, what did you find out? What's everyone saying?" She asked, hanging onto the edge of her seat.

"Would you believe they all said the exact same thing? Every last one of them, verbatim, its like we've all been brainwashed!"

In this time the ladies hadn't realized their voices had begun to escalate and frighten Ellie who was listening from the shadows on the stairs nearby.
No longer able to contain her fear she suddenly outburst. "Just stop it Mrs. Truman! Please. My daddy's gone there this very afternoon. All this talk of brainwashing ! Why the only one who's been brainwashed here is likely you!"

"Ellie! Now you calm right down. No sense getting all worked up. I believe Suzy here...well she might very well be on to something but there's no need to panic. Now if something strange is going on, then we ought to get right down to the bottom of it. Of course Ellie is right, Cole is down there this very moment and so is Drew and if we should have reason to be worried about them then we might as well know fully why."

"Your mother's right Ellie, we should walk right down there, go straight for the source. Somebody down there's got answers. Somebody knows where this place came from and how in the world we all know about it."


wylder chase

Newborn Baby Bunny

Regular Member
9 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
Ah…the mythical job fair, I like this story and the interesting plot twist.  Right when you think the families misery is going to come to an end daddy is swallowed up by the machine.  The clear concise language creates a stable narrative, but I would like to see a little more character development.  A subplot also emerges, metaphorically speaking the breadwinner of a house so often disappears when employed and the family is left wondering what really goes on at the office.  A duality of existence occurs when one is swept off to a new job and because of the desperate need to compete and show loyalty to an employer family life is often sacrificed.  I enjoyed reading this piece and can't wait to read where it goes.  Hopefully the Mayfields aren't running a cannibalistic sausage grinder…wage slaves: the other, other white meat.


Simone D

Newborn Baby Bunny

Regular Member
1 Posts
Karma: +0/-0
Wow I love the feedback on this piece. I had intent to take it full blown horror, akin to government conspiracy possibly but now that I have an idea of what the readers think I can definitely gauge a new sequel for this. Thank you so much for providing such detail and constructive criticisms on my writings it helps alot.


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Simone D (Simone D) is a Regular who has made 1 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 10:39am Tue, Aug 13, 2013. Simone D was invited by no one.

About Simone D
I will write a bio for my profile soon!

Writing Style
Fiction, Scifi and Erotica.

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