Last week we looked at how to do a Cellini Spiral. This week I am going to look at a few options for finishing off the spiral. There are a few different options that are possible, and how you finish it off is up to you. What I will show below are ways I finish it off.

The quickest and most simple way to finish off the weave is to simply run the thread through the last row of beads added twice, pull it up firmly then weave the thread through the beadwork to secure it.

Another option is to complete a couple of rows of tubular peyote using your smallest size seed beads, then run the thread through the last row of that and pull it up firmly before weaving the thread back through the bead work. This will give you a flatter end.

You can also extend the above idea further and continue with tubular peyote for a longer section, or continue with the tubular peyote and decrease to taper off the end of the spiral. How long you do the section and how quickly or slowly you decrease is up to you and your personal preferences.


As you can see, these different options change the size of the hole at the end of the spiral. There are lots of variations on these ideas, so take the time to experiment for yourself to see what is possible.
Next week I will show you a few different options for taking your finished Cellini Spiral and turning it into a piece of jewellery.

Finishing Cellini Spiral
16 April 2010, 4:58 am
Source: Jennifer Mercer, Handmade News Columnist
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