
Fluffy Baby Bunny

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I usually just do almost 2 hours or maybe less on my writing everyday because I have to work 10 hours, yes it's a bummer. Even on weekends or holidays I can't seem to focus more hours on my writing even if I wanted to. How about you? How many hours a day do you a lot?




Newborn Baby Bunny

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To be honest, I don't write every day. I just can't. I need inspiration to be able to write. There are times when I am able to write every day but that is rare. I f I tried really hard, then I might be able to write something every day, a poem or a song but I don't see the point in forcing myself to write because then I can't such beautiful things. It's much better to be inspired by something or someone, that's when the most beautiful, honest words get put on paper.



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

477 Posts
Karma: +58/-0
I don't write every day either.

I mean, technically I do a ton of writing overall, but that is often in the form of emails, chat messages, forum posts, etc. And then I may have to write press releases, etc, for work. So by the time I make it to writing for myself or for pleasure, it just doesn't happen all that often any more.

Once upon a time, I would do it in spurts, though. I might write for 3 or 4 hours and then not again for several days or a week. It just depended on my schedule and my motivation at the time.



Fuzzy Kid Bunny

311 Posts
Karma: +30/-0
Mainly, I just write when an inspiration strikes me for a story that I want to write down. I have really been enjoying my little blog and have been putting new stories in there as they come to mind. Since it is basically just kind of a family history blog; it really doesn't matter how much or how little i do.
Other than that, I am about like Jessi, and my writing is just posts  on forums I belong to, or on social networks like Facebook, as well as the usual emails, etc.
What I have been doing, is when I write a story for my blog, I will also post the story on Bubblews; in the hopes that if I make it to the $50 withdrawal, they will actually pay me.



Growing Baby Bunny

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Karma: +12/-0
I try to write everyday, I have a list of article titles that I have on my desktop so I am never short of that. I write and then leave it for a while to go back to.

I am currently editing right now, so I aim to do a couple of chapters a day, but no more than five as I get too tired and make mistakes.

I also do readings, so I may take a break and do some readings or write a quick blog piece or tidy up my websites.



Fluffy Baby Bunny

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Karma: +5/-0
Wow so most of you guys don't write everyday? And here I am trying my best to write for at least 2 hours a day every day. But I guess it depends on how busy we are eh? I don't really mean writing in general, I mean writing your work of fiction, you book or that short story or whatever that is. So I guess I can just lay low on my writing then. But I agree that it's more of a inspiration thing.



Growing Baby Bunny

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Karma: +3/-0
I never have a set amount of time to write, and being in the situation that I'm in I'm to exhausted to write most of the time.  Before what happened to me happened, I could write all day sometimes. It happens to me a lot when I'll go a long period of time without writing, then all of a sudden words will start flooding my mind and I have to hurry up and write them down. Whether it's a poem or a screenplay.



Growing Baby Bunny

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I am a freelance writer and journalist so writing is a full time job for me and I write continously from morning until at least 9pm. It has helped me become better at it but I have had no time to continue with my novel which requires a lot of attention.



Growing Baby Bunny

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I do quite a lot of writing, but not really any creative writing. I mainly post on various forums and hopefully some other websites soon.  I would say I spend perhaps 3-4 hours a day on various writing tasks.  It's fun but it's also a side job kind of thing for me.  I wish I had the creativity to write stories, but I don't seem to have that gift.  It sounds like such a rewarding process though.



Growing Baby Bunny

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Karma: +4/-0
I love writing and it helps to work each day just to keep yourself active and your mind busy so that at some stage you have had the practice to write and create something magnificent.


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Eve (deathbyprayer) is a Regular who has made 131 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 10:24pm Sat, May 31, 2014. deathbyprayer was invited by no one.

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horror, thriller

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