
Growing Baby Bunny

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60 Posts
Karma: +12/-0
I'm currently sifting through publishers and agents and deciding which companies to submit to and it's hard! Some have folded, but still have their site up and I have been reading reviews on others and the poor contracts offered as well as looking how active their social media is.

I also had my first rejection, but it wasn't so much of a surprise, but was good to get used to sending out submissions. I have to say I wasn't too impressed either as the editor addressed me by my pen name in her reply! Still, C.S. Lewis had over 80 rejections and so many others. I emailed three today and that may take a few months to get any answer, so fingers crossed...



Marketing Team

6,253 Posts
Karma: +94/-1
Great work for taking that big step and for being so positive about it!! I believe tonnes of great authors and artists have been rejected over the years. The Beatles, J.K Rowling, etc etc ha ha.

Just keep trying, eventually someone will love it! :D



Fluffy Toddler Bunny

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231 Posts
Karma: +33/-0
Part of success in life is rejection. At some point you will get rejected for something that you do and you just have to learn and grow from it. I recently read that for every 10 businesses a person starts, only 1 will be successful, which translates to 9 failures or rejections. The most important thing you can do is to remain positive and learn from each rejection that you receive.



Growing Baby Bunny

Regular Member
60 Posts
Karma: +12/-0
I expected the rejections and have been rejected for jobs before, so I am okay. I have been reading other reviews and even when a publishers accepts a manuscript some authors reject them if they have a tight contract or what that doesn't seem fair.

I am still going through an agents list, but it's hard work reading all their submission guidelines and also it can be misleading. Some houses are small press and only print 10-15 titles a year and in their blurb, you would think they were publishing a handful each month.

Thanks for the support Bunny.


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Theo Alvin (Alvin) is a Regular who has made 60 posts since joining Creative Burrow on 04:10am Sat, Aug 23, 2014. Alvin was invited by no one.

About Alvin
I write on philosophical theories with a supernatural edge, both non-fiction and fictional works.

Writing Style
Supernatural, fantasy, non-fiction,

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